Thursday, December 04, 2014

Respond With Love

I wrote this in the weeks after Shirley and I were almost killed in a bad car accident. We not only lost our car - but the people that owned the car that had hit us reported the car as stolen to help save a family member from getting in more trouble - and sadly, lying about all of that worked out for them (in the short-term).
Recently, I read the news - you see things you don't want to see. You come to Facebook and you see posts where people post their views - people disagree on their views - and it causes even more division - more arguing - and it seems to be spiraling out of control.

We are all people. We all have our own perspectives and our unique life experiences that we shape our world, our opinions, and our views. If you are arguing with somebody over these recent events - please remember to respect the path that person has walked to earn their perspective, their opinions, and their views. I believe that we need to all take a step back and remember that no matter how clever we are - no matter how slick we are - no matter how good we can lie, cheat, and steal our way through life - none of us will escape Final judgement.
My message for today ...
Respond with with love and let God sort them out.
This was my response when I found out nothing would be done to the person that almost killed kill us. It is still my response today.
"I believe that it all comes down to senselessness, and selfishness. Goodness diffuses itself - it gives - it shares - it loves - it creates - whereas evil is motivated by self and/or selfish things - it takes - it steals - it hates - it destroys... goodness is light - evil is darkness - only one has the ability to shine out the other. We cannot allow the darkness of this world to overpower the light of our love, our compassion, or our ability to see the darkness for what it really is - hurt, disappointment, bitterness - and an inability to feel the same emotion that we are all felling now. No matter how evil their deed - I'm going to pray for them anyway and shine out some darkness." ~ Blackjack's Random Thoughts, December 14, 2012.

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

3 Rules

I wrote this several years ago. I had initially intended to add it into my book Lessons In 9 Ball - but for some reason it wasn't. Not sure why. I'm pretty sure that the date on this is incorrect - by about 10 years. I believe that I wrote a draft for this while I was in Germany in 1990 - but all I have to go on is the date that says that I edited it in January of 2000. Feel free to pass this on and share it - as it was shared with me by many people that came before me.
My 3 Rules for Success in Life and in Pool
Rule #1
Love, honor and respect the game - and in return, the game will love, honor and respect you.
Honor and respect is not something you are born with – you have to give it to receive it – and to receive it you have to earn it. Exercise honor and respect - not only for the game – but also honor and respect yourself – honor and respect your opponent – honor and respect the people that are watching you.
Be grateful for everything – good or bad. In my experience, gratitude shines the light that will lead you out of the darkness. Ingratitude is the halitosis of the soul. I make very few guarantees, but I can guarantee you that nothing will take you farther in life than a heart that is filled with honor and respect – and wrapped in gratitude.
Rule #2
Never give in to disappointments or setbacks.
Disappointments and setbacks are the stepping stones that will lead you towards greatness. Failures, setbacks, disappointments – they show us where we need to improve – they show us where we need to direct our energy during practice – and they provide the motivation and drive that we need to constantly seek improvement and growth. Nothing should be smooth or easy for you. Never forget – that to start a fire you need friction – that friction gives birth to the spark that will ignite the flame that will grow into a blazing fire. Adversity is just another log on the fire – so keep that fire burning strong!
Learn how to welcome and accept adversity the same way you would accept winning the lottery. As long as you don’t quit before the miracle – you will eventually grow to accept and understand that adversity is the most precious gift that you will ever receive. Your attitude towards adversity will shape you into who you will become.
Rule #3
Remember … none of this is ever about you – it is about the people you touch with your life.
Be open – be accessible to others - and above all - be generous. When you are generous with your knowledge and your experience, you extend your legacy outward towards infinity. Make sure to go out of your way – EVERY DAY – to help and assist others to grow, achieve, and overcome. Eventually, the lives you touch will touch the lives of others. Every life that is touched adds another link to the endless chain of your love, honor, and respect for the game. That is how champions – real champions – persevere and endure. ~ Blackjack’s Random Thoughts ~ January 15, 2000