Thursday, December 04, 2014

Respond With Love

I wrote this in the weeks after Shirley and I were almost killed in a bad car accident. We not only lost our car - but the people that owned the car that had hit us reported the car as stolen to help save a family member from getting in more trouble - and sadly, lying about all of that worked out for them (in the short-term).
Recently, I read the news - you see things you don't want to see. You come to Facebook and you see posts where people post their views - people disagree on their views - and it causes even more division - more arguing - and it seems to be spiraling out of control.

We are all people. We all have our own perspectives and our unique life experiences that we shape our world, our opinions, and our views. If you are arguing with somebody over these recent events - please remember to respect the path that person has walked to earn their perspective, their opinions, and their views. I believe that we need to all take a step back and remember that no matter how clever we are - no matter how slick we are - no matter how good we can lie, cheat, and steal our way through life - none of us will escape Final judgement.
My message for today ...
Respond with with love and let God sort them out.
This was my response when I found out nothing would be done to the person that almost killed kill us. It is still my response today.
"I believe that it all comes down to senselessness, and selfishness. Goodness diffuses itself - it gives - it shares - it loves - it creates - whereas evil is motivated by self and/or selfish things - it takes - it steals - it hates - it destroys... goodness is light - evil is darkness - only one has the ability to shine out the other. We cannot allow the darkness of this world to overpower the light of our love, our compassion, or our ability to see the darkness for what it really is - hurt, disappointment, bitterness - and an inability to feel the same emotion that we are all felling now. No matter how evil their deed - I'm going to pray for them anyway and shine out some darkness." ~ Blackjack's Random Thoughts, December 14, 2012.

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