When Things Go Wrong
Reassess the Situation
Most of us don’t know exactly what is happening when things are going wrong, yet we self-prescribe ineffective remedies for our deficiencies. This can definitely make things worse. You don’t hire an electrician to fix your plumbing. You get a plumber. The same is true with pool. You can't fix the mental by adjusting the physical. Many of us don’t understand that misdiagnosis is just as good as no diagnosis. If we are still frustrated about not making balls, we can try changing where we are breaking from - or we can try changing the cue we are breaking with, etc.; yet if the deficiency is because of a problem in our stroke mechanics or improper alignment - then these remedies will have little or no effect at all.
Most of us don’t know exactly what is happening when things are going wrong, yet we self-prescribe ineffective remedies for our deficiencies. This can definitely make things worse. You don’t hire an electrician to fix your plumbing. You get a plumber. The same is true with pool. You can't fix the mental by adjusting the physical. Many of us don’t understand that misdiagnosis is just as good as no diagnosis. If we are still frustrated about not making balls, we can try changing where we are breaking from - or we can try changing the cue we are breaking with, etc.; yet if the deficiency is because of a problem in our stroke mechanics or improper alignment - then these remedies will have little or no effect at all.
By taking a few steps back, we broaden our perspective and we are able to see more of the entire picture. If you have to - take a break. There is no shame in stopping for a few minutes to evaluate, reassess, and change your strategy. Taking a break can stop frustration dead in its tracks. It's a smart move - and it makes sense. Giving in to frustration will quickly build a wall between you and your good sense, so it is wise to stop, take a breath, take a step back, and reconnect to the positive.
Apply a Remedy & Reevaluate
Many of us apply our remedies in frustration - at a heightened state of emotion - and because of that, we become so entangled in the emotions of the situation that we fail to reevaluate. We must pay attention to whether or not the remedy was effective. You have to ask yourself: Was this particular remedy a solution to the problem, or did this remedy have no effect at all? If it did work, then you move along in a positive direction. Take steps to document what was learned from that situation. Keep a journal. It is extremely important to remember exactly how you were successful or unsuccessful at avoiding frustration.
Many of us apply our remedies in frustration - at a heightened state of emotion - and because of that, we become so entangled in the emotions of the situation that we fail to reevaluate. We must pay attention to whether or not the remedy was effective. You have to ask yourself: Was this particular remedy a solution to the problem, or did this remedy have no effect at all? If it did work, then you move along in a positive direction. Take steps to document what was learned from that situation. Keep a journal. It is extremely important to remember exactly how you were successful or unsuccessful at avoiding frustration.
You need to know what works and what does not work - and you also need to know what makes it better and what makes it worse. The more you know about yourself and how you perform under pressure, the easier it will be to correctly apply effective remedies during the heat of battle. Don't be one of those white-knuckled players that sits in the chair cussing at themselves and everything else. That's not productive or effective - and it will only deplete your mental energy. You are going to need all of your mental energy for that next shift in momentum. Always be prepared for things to start going your way again. It is inevitable.
Let's face it, things are going to go wrong and you're going to get frustrated. You need to expect that. However, you must have a planned strategy to get yourself back on track. Think about it ... if you saw a big spider crawling up the wall in your bedroom - you would quickly find something to take out the spider. You might grab a can of bug spray - or - if that's not available, you can just take your shoe off and smash it to death. You don't want to just leave him alone and let him live there - rent free. If you run out of the room - the spider is still in there - and God only knows where he might hide - or - when he might surprise you again. Frustration is that spider crawling up the wall. Get rid of it!
Frustration is the ultimate form of self-destruction. It really is a pool player's number one enemy. Frustration is the main ingredient for most of your worst nightmares. Frustration is YOU VS YOU. You're fighting yourself. Think about it - you don't want to come out of the match as your only victim. Somewhere there is a graveyard filled with hopes, dreams, and close matches that were taken out by frustration. They suffered a death by their own thoughts and lack of self-control. You can avoid that graveyard by practicing your Frustration Avoidance Techniques just as much or MORE than you practice everything else. Developing a strategy for every aspect of your mental game is worth every second that you put into it.
~ Blackjack's Random Thoughts, December 12, 2013.
~ Blackjack's Random Thoughts, December 12, 2013.